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Klepkanie prednej nápravy

Napsal: 19 dub 2012, 10:25
od Bobila
Od začiatku prevádzky auta pri prejazde nerovností mám divný zvuk na náprave, akobz tyčka stabilizátora,príp. zvislý čap? Auto má 3000km-necelé 2 mesiace,čo by to mohlo byť? A to nehovorím o tomto klepaní:
Máte niekto podobný problém s nápravou?

Re: Klepkanie prednej nápravy

Napsal: 19 dub 2012, 15:53
od papak13
Mne to tiez robilo iba po prejdeni nerovnosti najlepsie niekde kde boli pred krizovatkou bubny od brzdenia tam to buchalo dost hlasno.

Jednoducha oprava. Buchal mi spodny kryt motora. Sice bo utiahnuty dost ale po nerovnosti sa vzdy rozhupal a buchal o spodok auta. V opli samozrejme vsetko OK takze som si zohnal samolepiace gumenne podlozky roznych hrubok(lidl za 1euro) a nalepil som ich tam kde som si myslel ze to bucha a odvtedy je tichucko!

Skus pod autom pozriet ten kryt a poklepkavat prstom po jednotlivych castiach, ak sa to ozve tak ako sa ozvalo mne je to ono.

Inak stabilizacne tycky lahko vylucis tak ze rozhupes auto na jednej a potom na druhej strane ak to bude buchat alebo klepat su to tycky:
Capy riadenia zistis tak, ze das auto na zdvihak a zahybes kolesom ako keby si ho siel vyberat ak sa nebyhe je to Ok ak sa hybe su capy vybite.

Re: Klepkanie prednej nápravy

Napsal: 20 dub 2012, 09:56
od Bobila
To papak13: Velmi sa mi to nezda,ale vyskusam-skor je to mechanicky zvuk okolo kolesa.A pri zatacani mi tiez klepka nieco.Mam podozrenie na predne poloosi-teda prava strana.Vdaka

Re: Klepkanie prednej nápravy

Napsal: 11 kvě 2012, 10:00
od Astra - R@SAG
Já sice mám Astru Classic II (G), mám taky kryt pod motorem a měl jsem taky takový problém a vyřešil jsem to stejně :D .

Re: Klepkanie prednej nápravy

Napsal: 23 zář 2012, 17:37
od prim
Bobila píše: Velmi sa mi to nezda,ale vyskusam-skor je to mechanicky zvuk okolo kolesa.A pri zatacani mi tiez klepka nieco.Mam podozrenie na predne poloosi-teda prava strana.Vdaka
Mám také ten problém, po 18000km. Čím to bylo?

Pravý přední tlumič. Výměna v záruce.

Re: Klepkanie prednej nápravy

Napsal: 10 pro 2012, 20:24
od mrbicykel
Dobry den,
Tu som nasiel presne o co ide (Vauxhall/Opel). Moze to byt ono ?
Teda opel by mal o tom vediet a mal by to odstranit.

Interesting to read that other Mk6 owners have the same problem I had. A rapid knock! knock! from the back end over rough road surfaces. The first Vx dealer I took the car to diagnosed a faulty NSR shock absorber and changed it under warranty. No improvement. Took it back, they did something to the rear calipers - no improvement. Gave up with them and took it to another dealer. They diagnosed a problem with the rear brake calipers - they had the same problem with another new Astra. They tried re-packing the caliper sliding mechanism with grease - improved it for a few days, then back to knock! knock!
Then they found out from Vauxhall that this is a known problem with some new Astras and they have come up with a fix involving I believe adhesive foil between the pads and the calipers, and a special grease for the sliding mechanism. Bingo! no more knock! knock! so far anyway, keeping fingers crossed it is a permanent fix.
So if you have the same problem don't let your dealer fob you off with the usual "they all do that" or "we can't fix it". Tell them to contact Vauxhall Technical Service or whatever they call themselves - a fix is available from Vauxhall.

Re: Klepkanie prednej nápravy

Napsal: 12 pro 2012, 08:55
od mrbicykel
mrbicykel píše:Dobry den,
Tu som nasiel presne o co ide (Vauxhall/Opel). Moze to byt ono ?
Teda opel by mal o tom vediet a mal by to odstranit.
Tu je este aj technicky buletin : ... hp?id=1039

Interesting to read that other Mk6 owners have the same problem I had. A rapid knock! knock! from the back end over rough road surfaces. The first Vx dealer I took the car to diagnosed a faulty NSR shock absorber and changed it under warranty. No improvement. Took it back, they did something to the rear calipers - no improvement. Gave up with them and took it to another dealer. They diagnosed a problem with the rear brake calipers - they had the same problem with another new Astra. They tried re-packing the caliper sliding mechanism with grease - improved it for a few days, then back to knock! knock!
Then they found out from Vauxhall that this is a known problem with some new Astras and they have come up with a fix involving I believe adhesive foil between the pads and the calipers, and a special grease for the sliding mechanism. Bingo! no more knock! knock! so far anyway, keeping fingers crossed it is a permanent fix.
So if you have the same problem don't let your dealer fob you off with the usual "they all do that" or "we can't fix it". Tell them to contact Vauxhall Technical Service or whatever they call themselves - a fix is available from Vauxhall.